Raise money for your Student Organization during For the Greater Good!

For the Greater Good is a 24-hour online event to raise money for scholarships, colleges, various programs, clinical partners, and student organizations. The day starts at noon March 27 and lasts until noon on March 28. 

For the Greater Good offers UNMC students a unique chance to raise funds that will go directly back to your student organization. We encourage you to utilize social media, as well as reach out to alumni, students, parents, friends, professors or anyone else you can recruit to support your group’s efforts.

Student organizations who sign up to fundraise can earn funds for their organization. Plus, your organization could earn up to $4,000 in bonus awards. Prizes will be awarded for most donors, most dollars raised, and for donor participation in the day. All student groups who register can compete for bonus funds for their organization:

  • $1,000 for the student organization with the most donors.
  • $500 for the student organization with the most dollars raised.
  • $100 awarded to each student organizations that had donations from 10 unique donors

How to register:

Click here and complete the online form. You must represent a student organization registered with UNMC SLIDO to participate.

Register by 5pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2024.

What’s next:

  1. We will confirm all student groups within a few days of registration. If you have not heard back within a week of registering, please contact janelle.domeyer@nufoundation.org
  2. You will receive a For the Greater Good tool kit and a link to your fundraising page via email. Once you have this link, send it to your members, alumni, family, and friends and post it to your social media accounts using #ForTheGreaterGood


Student groups are advised that any funds raised through ForTheGreaterGood are assessed a 4% advancement fee.

After For the Greater Good Giving Day:

Funds raised through this giving day will be available to student groups, less fees, approximately 45-60 days after the event. All funds will be transferred to the SLIDO “central bank,” and to use the money you raise, you organization will coordinate with SLIDO.


Contact Janelle Domeyer at janelle.domeyer@nufoundation.org or 402-504-3328